
Tops and Captain Mexico

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Koleyl's avatar

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It was another day in Celestial City when the Tops are at home getting a new mission from the Intergalactic Angels Queen Zeta, as she briefs them on their old enemy Fearo the Clown Demon King.

Zeta: Be on your guards dear Tops Fearo the Clown is back again and this time he has hijacked a bomb.

Toppy: What kind of bomb?

Zeta: One big enough to turn Celestial City into a crater.

Boxcy: That sicko we gotta find him and quick. Let me at that lousy mug.

Toppy: Calm down, Boxcy we're not even sure what he's planning on.

Zeta: That's what we have yet to figure out too. But with his sick twisted mind it's hard telling what he's planning on doing with the bomb. We'll keep on guard for any updates on Fearo's activities you four invest the city but don't let the public know or you'll cause a panic and Fearo will activate the bomb. Oh and Tops one more thing…please be careful.

Toppy: Ah Zeta don't worry we'll take extra precaution.

Zeta: Like the time you four handle the fire at the matchstick and fireworks factory?

Curly: Duh hey come on we did put the fire out…after the building went up in an explosion.

Boxcy: And us with it.

Socky: Man who knew gasoline was so flammable? Ah ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha.

Toppy: Look we'll be careful just leave it to us and we'll keep everything under low key.

Later on the Tops were rushing around in the city holding megaphones in their hands yelling out to the public.


The people began panicking and running in circles while evacuating their buildings, cars, and homes.

Toppy: Hmm…you know guys something tells me this isn't working. What we need is a new game plan.

Boxcy: Yeah like what oh fearless one?

Toppy: What we need is another pair of eyes…eagle eyes what we need is a sky view.

Curly: Duh sky view? You mean we gotta search the city from the sky? Duh we can't fly.

Socky: Yeah but we can burp, fart, and smell really bad. Ah ha, ha, ha, ha, ha…* Gets punch in the arm by Boxcy* OW! Hmm ruff-ruff!

Toppy: Well you're right which is why we need Eagla the eagle the great and powerful ninja eagle warrior.

Boxcy: We can't she's visiting her relatives in Atlanta with the Falcons.

Toppy: Oh…okay then who else do we know who can fly?

Woman's voice: Hello boys.

They turn around to see Zipporah a brown and white fur rabbit police woman in her hourglass figure. Zipporah is a nice woman she helped out the Tops a few times when the Tops bring in a bad guy for her to arrest.

Toppy: Oh hi ya Zipporah.

Zipporah: What this about a bomb?

Tops: Uh…what bomb?

Zipporah: The one you four were yelling about like idiots about three minutes ago.

Toppy: How did everyone know that? We tried to keep it on the down low…well since some blabbermouth told you we'll tell you. There is this evil clown who has a bomb somewhere in the city and we're trying to find it and stop him.

Zipporah: Oh dear well not to worry I'll let the police force help do an investigation but I don't think you boys should get involve.


Zipporah: Sorry but don't worry let the grown-ups handle this. Besides some woman named Zeta called and told us about a bomb and look out for four small triceratops boys who might be yelling about a bomb.

Boxcy: What? Some other triceratops jerks yelled out the bomb when it's suppose to be a secret? Let me at those numbskulls who are these three-horn boobs.

Toppy: Us…it was us.

Boxcy: Oh…* Starts hitting himself*

Curly: Duh what are you doing Boxcy?

Boxcy: No body calls me names and get away with it.

Socky: No wonder you're so punchy. Ah ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha.

Zipporah left the Tops as they headed on home.

Toppy: We blew it with Zeta…we should have kept it quiet. This is like what happened on that corn field fire.

Curly: Duh at least we had free popcorn for five months.

Socky: Yeah but the really sad part on that mission was we had no butter. Ah ha, ha, ha, ha, ha.

Boxcy: So what do we do?

Man's voice: LOOK OUT BELOW!

The Tops look up in the sky and saw a human man wearing a big yellow sombrero wearing red tights and a yellow cape flapping behind him as he lands on the Tops. The Tops groan as the tall man got up brushing the dirt off of his thick brown mustache.

Toppy: Hey what gives? Who do you think you are buddy?

The man got up and to the Tops amazement he held up a card saying…

Tops: Member of Taco Bell?

Man: Oops wrong card. Here!

Tops: Captain Mexico. Captain Mexico?

Captain Mexico struck a pose.

Captain Mexico: Si! Seniors I am Captain Mexico…hero of Mexico, owner of a fine restaurant, and have powers to fly as long as I wear my hat.

Boxcy: You're a super hero like us? Wow! If you can fly how come you crash landed on us?

Captain Mexico: I got caught in one of those stupid drafts and it blew my hat over my eyes blocking my view. Plus I'm still learning my powers so I'm kind of new at this.

Toppy: Hey that's cool so that hat helps you fly do you have any other powers?

Captain Mexico: Indeed I do when I eat red peppers I can spew fire.

Socky: I get the same results when I eat Boxcy's homemade chili. Ah ha, ha, ha, ha, ha.

Boxcy: Hey when you're hot, you're hot.

Captain Mexico: And when I breathe in pepper I sneeze wind up to 150 miles per hour give or take 200.

Curly: Duh same here allergies.

Captain Mexico: Also when I eat beef tacos with blue tortillas I get incredible super strength.

Tops: Cool!

Captain Mexico: But sadly it only lasts five minutes and only works once a day.

Toppy: Hmm hey maybe you can help us we're trying to find a bad guy name Fearo the Clown.

Captain Mexico: Fearo the Clown? I've heard of him in fact I'm looking for him he stolen a bomb from my countries army facility not too long ago. I tracked him here in America.

Toppy: Great that means you know where he is hiding?

Captain Mexico: Not really all I know is he is hiding somewhere in this city but where?

Curly: Duh we'll never find him in time and the bomb is gonna blow up the city and us with it.

Toppy: Wait…that's it. Fearo must be using the bomb to get back at us for always busting him and the Intergalactic Demons Dark Masters plans.

Boxcy: Yeah but that still doesn't tell us where he is hiding in the city.

Toppy: No, Fearo's a psycho but he's not stupid he won't blow up the city with him in it. He'll have to do it from a safe distance outside the city a place where he would feel like at home and I know one place outside the city where he'll be hiding at the old abandon candy factory.

Socky: Hey I know that place they use to make the best red chili crunchies candies. The only crunchy candy made out of red peppers.

Captain Mexico: Great deduction Toppy lets hope its right.

Captain Mexico flew over to the factory as the Tops have to take their bikes.

Boxcy: Huff…huff I got super speed why do I have to bike?

Toppy: Two reasons one not all of us have super speed or can fly. Two we need the exercise.

Boxcy: Oh.

They arrived at the broken down candy factory which is miles away from the city. Captain Mexico signals the Tops over to peer into a broken window. Toppy's deduction was right for inside was Fearo the Clown as the pale skin court jester demon prance around cackling madly as his red and black costume glistens under the dim lights. He glares happily at his bomb but to the heroes surprise they see their friend Zipporah tied to a chair with tape over her mouth.


Fearo: HA, HA, HA, HA, HA, HA, HA! Soon the city will go BOOM! Once I launch this baby into the air and it will land in the city. Taking out the Tops along with everyone but I'll be safe here as for you dearie I'm surprise you guess that I would be hiding WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAY out here well I guess every evil clown loves candy. Even the super spicy ones.

He eats one of the old chili crunchies and his pale face turn as red as his triangular red eyes as he lets out steams.

Fearo: Mmmm! Still spicy and sweet after all these years. HA, HA, HA, HAH! Well my dear as your punishment you get to watch the city go BOOM and then well I could use a new pair of bunny slippers, and bunny hats, and bunny coat, and bunny pants ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, HAH, HA, HA, HA, HA, HAH!


The Tops broke down the door as Captain Mexico flew in making his heroic entrance.

Captain Mexico: The game is up Fearo!

Fearo: What? The Tops and hmm someone new to join the party. Boy and people I dress like an idiot. So who's your new friend? Oh wait don't tell let me guess Captain Jalapeño on a stick? No wait its Doctor Sombrero! I know it's…* Gets punch by Captain Mexico* OFFPH!

Fearo got interrupted as Captain Mexico's fist punches him sending Fearo flying towards some boxes.

Captain Mexico: It's Captain Mexico to you and you're evil scheme is over.

Fearo: Grr…very funny wise guy. But I still got a trick or two up my sleeve!

Fearo pulls out a remote from his sleeve and pushes the button. The timer on the bomb was activated.

Fearo: I'm destroying the Tops even if I go with them!


Captain Mexico: You four free your friend and find a way to deactivate that bomb. Even out here the bomb can still destroy the city.

Curly: Duh what about you?

Captain Mexico: I'll take care of Fearo.

Captain Mexico flew off to catch Fearo as the Tops work on rescuing Zipporah.


Toppy rips off the tape off her mouth as Boxcy undo the ropes.

Zipporah: We have to stop that bomb.

Toppy: Right! Socky how's it looking?

Socky: Not good, wood, should, could, but can't man! Fearo really has this thing wired I can't even tell which one to snip! Plus we don't have much time to deactivate it anyway.

Curly: Duh this thing got thirty seconds. Duh we gotta get it out of here.

Boxcy: Yeah but the only safe place for this bomb is if was in an ocean.

Toppy: Or in the sky. It's time for a Tops tag-team move. Curly lift that bomb and take it outside Socky stretch yourself like a rubber band. Boxcy you use your super speed after Socky is done securing himself to some trees.

Boxcy/Curly/Socky: Oh you mean…

Toppy: That's right it's time for…


Curly carries the bomb as Socky uses his rubber body to wrap around some trees. Boxcy pulls on Socky and using his super speed to stretch him far enough for Curly to latch the bomb to Socky, then they both fired Socky as he flings the bomb towards the sky.

Toppy: Now to finish it off. THUNDERSHOCK!

Toppy fires a thunderbolt at the bomb as soon as it reaches a safe distance and on contact it exploded in the sky without causing any harm.

Zipporah: You did it Tops!

Tops: We did!

Toppy: Now lets help Captain Mexico Fearo is not a pushover.

Inside Captain Mexico heard the explosion and was relief that the Tops were able to get rid of the bomb.

Captain Mexico: You hear that Fearo? Your plan is ruin so make it easier on yourself and give up!

Suddenly he was hit with a red beam as Fearo fires another red beam from his eyes. Captain Mexico avoided that blast as Fearo hops from one stack of crates to another.

Fearo: You're dumber than you look Captain! You think I give up after this little fiasco? Never will I find another way to destroy the Tops right after I finish you off.

Captain Mexico looks at an open box of old red chili flavor candies.

Captain Mexico: Hmm good enough substitute.

Captain Mexico took a piece of candy and ate it as Fearo closes in for the kill.

Fearo: Come out, come out wherever you are? Are you here? Or are you there?

Captain Mexico: Hey smiley.

Fearo turns around as Captain Mexico spewed atomic hot fire at Fearo burning his clothes leaving him nothing but his underwear.


Fearo tried his own kung-fu moves but the Captain was too swift and proves to be an equal fighter as he punched the evil clown in the jaw than gave another blow to the stomach. Then finally he gave an uppercut sending Fearo flying towards a stack of boxes causing them to land on Fearo burying him under old candies.

Fearo: * Groans* Oh please no more I give up…oh my eye!

As Captain Mexico walks over he discovers that Fearo had a hidden smoke bomb hiding in his hand filling the room with smoke.


Fearo opens a portal to Dark World as the Tops and Zipporah arrived.

Captain Mexico: He got away the coward but he'll be back.

Tops: Yeah but we'll get him next time!

Soon back at home Queen Zeta of the Intergalactic Angels thanked Captain Mexico and Zipporah for their help.

Zipporah: It's an honor your highness…but I should have waited for help.

Zeta: No you were only trying to do your job even if you knew your life was at risk. As for you Captain in honor of helping beyond the call of duty. I hereby making you an official member of the Intergalactic Angels, may your service be of use and we will be calling on you for missions against evil.

Captain Mexico: I am proud to be a member.

So the Tops have help stopped another evil plot from the evil Fearo the Clown and gain a new friend in a battle against evil. But who knows what new plans the Intergalactic Demons dark Masters will have in store for our heroes on their next adventure? Until then…

The End.
A story I did for my friend Captain Mexico base upon this picture here [link]

Captain Mexico copyrighted himself.

Zipporah copyrighted to EmeperorNortonII

Tops, Zeta, Fearo the Clown and story by me.
© 2012 - 2024 Koleyl
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Coraleana's avatar
that was a good story Kole.^^